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What Is The T-zone?

What Is The T-zone?
3 years ago
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Your T-zone is made up of the ‘T’ shaped area spanning your forehead down to your nose and chin. Your T-zone contains more sebaceous glands than anywhere else on your face and so it is completely normal to appear more oily than other areas of your face.

Many people with oily or combination skin types find that their T-zone area is prone to acne and blemishes as well as becoming shiny and oily very easily. Keep reading to learn more about your T-zone, as well as the best way to manage an oily T-zone through a targeting skincare routine.

How To Manage An Oily T-zone

When it comes to managing your T-zone, we recommend using skincare that is specifically targeted towards oily or combination skin.

1. Cleanse your face twice a day, every day

Washing your face daily will help to remove any dead skin cells and excess oil build-up. If you don’t wash your face, you may develop blemishes or acne due to blocked pores that create blackheads and whiteheads. Look for gentle cleansers that are specially formulated for oily or combination skin.

2. Don’t skip moisturiser

Skin that is too dry will overcompensate by producing more oil. Choose a moisturiser that is oil-free and a gel or lotion formulation may be a better choice to avoid blocking

up your pores. Look out for moisturisers that are non-comedogenic, which means the product is formulated to not block pores. You may also prefer to use a moisturiser with SPF included avoiding layering too many cream products on your skin.

3. Use a toner

Toners are ideal for keeping oily T-zones under control. Innovative toner formulas have come a long way since the particularly astringent formulas of the past. Look for a toner with salicylic acid to help with acne or blemish-prone skin.

Discover: What does face toner do?

4. Use masques regularly

Clay masques are particularly effective for oily skin, as they help to draw out impurities. A good nourishing mask also helps to balance your skin and minimise the appearance of pores.

The Best Skincare Products For An Oily T-zone

FARMACY Deep Sweep 2% BHA Pore Cleansing Toner

The INKEY List Salicylic Acid Cleanser

OSKIA Liquid Mask

PIXI T-Zone Peel-Off Mask

FARMACY Deep Sweep 2% BHA Pore Cleansing Toner

Ideal for those with oily or combination skin types and formulated with 2% BHA (salicylic acid), this cleansing toner helps to unclog pores and remove impurities. papaya enzymes buff away dead skin to promote a brighter, healthier-looking surface that seems refined. Your skin will be left looking less shiny, with a more matte finish.

Key Features

● Ideal for combination / oily skin.

● Unblocks pores and removes impurities.

● Free from parabens, synthetic fragrances, phthalates, mineral oil and cruelty.

The INKEY List Salicylic Acid Cleanser

Perfect for blemish-prone skin, this cleanser helps to clear away makeup, dirt and other impurities from your skin. The addition of zinc minimises excess oil for a less shiny appearance. Hero ingredient allantoin is an anti-irritant to help soothe skin after exfoliation whilst bolstering the skin’s natural defences against environmental aggressors.

Key Features

● Can be used day or night.

● Ideal for blemish-prone skin.

● Reduces shine.

OSKIA Liquid Mask

This powerful, yet gentle mask is ideal for dull and congested skin. Providing both hydrating and exfoliating properties, 10% lactic acid helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and reduce the visibility of pigmentation. Hydrating hyaluronic acid helps to ensure moisture is retained in your skin while aiacinamide works hard to even out the skin tone by reducing the appearance of pigmentation.

Key Features

● Suitable for all skin types

● Contains Hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and lactic acid.

PIXI T-Zone Peel-Off Mask

Give your complexion an oomph with this revitalising peel-off mask. Containing avocado, cucumber, aloe, green tea and bamboo extract, the peel-off mask effectively firms and refines the appearance of skin while decongesting pores.

Key Features

● Suitable for all skin types.

● Great for decongesting pores.


I've been writing about hair and beauty for over 10 years. I am a collector of vintage perfume and my go-to look always includes a bold pink lip! For more, visit
